Well so its transfer week, and USUALLY that would mean we
wait till Wednesday to have pday, BUT for some fun and insane reason, transfers
are today! And im
Ostrava! One of the biggest cities in the czech republic, with 3 missionary
companionships and a senior couple! Insane! Oh no big deal, this is just the
city President Uctdorf was born in, Pretty sweet.
My new companion is Elder
Hansen, he's from Texas, Houston, Texas. He's also one transfer ahead of me in the
mission, and has served in Moravia his whole mission thus far, which is funny,
because thats me with Bohemia. Anyways, he seems pretty great, although i have
been with him for about an hour, and Ostrava is on the other side of the
country, so i got to wake up at 5:30 this morning and got here on a train at 2.

goodbye to everyone in our branch yesterday, and theBayarovi too, and Oyunuyas parents too!

So my last week in Liberec was great, we had alot of success and did alot of good work, and i said also i had to pack SUPER FAST, because we packed our Sunday full of meetings so we wouldn't think about transfers so we had no time to pack, but we also went to this SWEET little village outside Liberec for an appt., and it is ALL preserved from communism and Hitler and stuff, so the kostel (catholic cathedral) is actually Bohemian style and they have sweet monuments to patron saints and stuff, so i got some pictures, and yeah, it was a pretty great week,
I dont know too much what to say this week,
because it was just a blur, but it was great, and now im in ostrava, and im
happy and tired. So i think that will conclude my weekly report, and I will
talk to all you in about a week!
-much love, Elder Chezik
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