So ostrava is pretty crazy, WAAAAY different than Liberec in almost everyway except for it still being in the Czech Republic, and its on the border, so it barely is haha
But anyways, its great here, no mom we dont have wards in t he mission yet because you dont get a ward until you have a stake, and we definantly dont have a stake yet, But we get about 80 to 100 people to church a week, it feels way awkward for me because im used to MUCH less now. But theres that, ostrava is way big and its strange how long it takes to get everywhere comparitively, but altogether wonderful. We have an amazing senior couple, The Mills, and theyre from North Logan Utah, but no, they dont know grandma, but yeah, the'yre awesome, they work SO HARD, its sweet! I've attached some pictures too.Everything is waaaay cheap in ostrava for some reason, and so ive been buying stuff ive been holding out for, like sweaters and ties and stuff, because they each cost like 2 bucks here. So yeah, this week has been way cool, and Elder Hansen and I have been seeing some sweet miracles. H'es from houston, buth has broken himself of his texas twang, but will still do it sometimes if I ask him to, and I'm getting pretty good at mine. All over we're just a couple of goofballs and we have a really good time.
So this week was all about hope!
In Preach My Gospel in the christlike atrributes section, under hope it says, "When you have hope you are able to work through trials and difficulties with the confidence and assurance that ALL THINGS will work together for your good." So, if you miss your train, if your tram is late, if theres construction in the city center so you have to walk, its okay! Because heavenly father is smart enough to figure it all out where and when you need to be. So that was pretty cool as a thought, but it really does work, and in action, it was A MIRACLE. So on monday, we called a former investigator and set up to meet, which was great, but there was construction so our bus didnt go so we had to call and cancel, so that was a bummer, BUT since Heavenly Father knows whats up, we figured itd all end up well. So we got on a tram with the mills, our awesome senior couple, and were on our way to the english class we teach, and i saw a lady in her mid 30s who i wanted to contact, but i had to call and cancel that lesson, so i did that instead, in english, because the guy is from new zealand or something. So anyways, after we get off the tram and go to english, and that SAME LADY who i wanted to contact comes in and sits down with the other students, So I thought, "Aha! thats why i wanted to contact you, youre and english student!" so throughout the lesson she was awesome and cracked jokes and laughed and spoke great english, and afterward i went up and talked to her, turns out it was her first ever time at english class, she said "im here because of YOUR english! I saw you on the tram, and i heard you speak english, and i had a thought that i should follow you, but then i thought ""no! thats weird"" and i didnt want to, but a voice from heaven told me that i needed to follow you, so i did, and you came here, and that is the BEST english lesson ive ever had! I feel SO GOOD and I am SO GLAD I listened to that voice from heaven!" So we are going to start teaching her this week. If we hadnt had to take that tram, and cancel that appointment we wouldnt have met her, and she wouldnt have found us. Oh by the way, she had been to english one time ten years ago in a different city and has been looking for missionaries in Ostrava ever since. So, all things working together for our good? I certainly think so, and i get to see it every single day, and i know its true. And i love it.
In Preach My Gospel in the christlike atrributes section, under hope it says, "When you have hope you are able to work through trials and difficulties with the confidence and assurance that ALL THINGS will work together for your good." So, if you miss your train, if your tram is late, if theres construction in the city center so you have to walk, its okay! Because heavenly father is smart enough to figure it all out where and when you need to be. So that was pretty cool as a thought, but it really does work, and in action, it was A MIRACLE. So on monday, we called a former investigator and set up to meet, which was great, but there was construction so our bus didnt go so we had to call and cancel, so that was a bummer, BUT since Heavenly Father knows whats up, we figured itd all end up well. So we got on a tram with the mills, our awesome senior couple, and were on our way to the english class we teach, and i saw a lady in her mid 30s who i wanted to contact, but i had to call and cancel that lesson, so i did that instead, in english, because the guy is from new zealand or something. So anyways, after we get off the tram and go to english, and that SAME LADY who i wanted to contact comes in and sits down with the other students, So I thought, "Aha! thats why i wanted to contact you, youre and english student!" so throughout the lesson she was awesome and cracked jokes and laughed and spoke great english, and afterward i went up and talked to her, turns out it was her first ever time at english class, she said "im here because of YOUR english! I saw you on the tram, and i heard you speak english, and i had a thought that i should follow you, but then i thought ""no! thats weird"" and i didnt want to, but a voice from heaven told me that i needed to follow you, so i did, and you came here, and that is the BEST english lesson ive ever had! I feel SO GOOD and I am SO GLAD I listened to that voice from heaven!" So we are going to start teaching her this week. If we hadnt had to take that tram, and cancel that appointment we wouldnt have met her, and she wouldnt have found us. Oh by the way, she had been to english one time ten years ago in a different city and has been looking for missionaries in Ostrava ever since. So, all things working together for our good? I certainly think so, and i get to see it every single day, and i know its true. And i love it.
- Elder Chezik
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