President Irwin is reeeealllly mixing things up. We now have sisters in Slovakia! For the first time! Theyre Sister Izatt, who was formerly in my district and is FANTASTIC and Sister Pysnakova, who I think Kimi knows, NUTS! Also, Zvolen, a city in Slovakia was just opened. CRAZY! So yeah, however, things on my side are pretty boring. Im still in Liberec, which dont get me wrong is fantastic, but its not opening slovakia or anything. But, since Sister Izatt left for Slovakia, and her companion Sister Dolinar left for Brno, that left us without any sisters in Jicin, so of course, Prezident sends elders there, one of whom is a new missionary, and he blinds his trainer into an area that was exclusively Sisters for the last7 transfers. NUTS.
President Irwin is reeeealllly mixing things up. We now have sisters in Slovakia! For the first time! Theyre Sister Izatt, who was formerly in my district and is FANTASTIC and Sister Pysnakova, who I think Kimi knows, NUTS! Also, Zvolen, a city in Slovakia was just opened. CRAZY! So yeah, however, things on my side are pretty boring. Im still in Liberec, which dont get me wrong is fantastic, but its not opening slovakia or anything. But, since Sister Izatt left for Slovakia, and her companion Sister Dolinar left for Brno, that left us without any sisters in Jicin, so of course, Prezident sends elders there, one of whom is a new missionary, and he blinds his trainer into an area that was exclusively Sisters for the last7 transfers. NUTS.
However, the mission is extremely unified now, because everyone is going everywhere! Oh, also, I am being followup trained by Elder Spencer, who is from St George Utah and trained elder Eliason in Olomouc, and Elder Plaizier is now in Olomouc, follow-up training Elder Eliason. Crazy.
But yeah, this week has been crazy, our investigators are great, but I
cant give too much detail on them, but we dont have any baptisms scheduled for a
month and a bit. Our Branch is doing wonderfully, though they might go through
withdrawls about losing Elder Plaizier, since he was here for 6 months! But
yeah, we have about 25 people come each week, and we're trying to make it grow,
but we know it will. I still haven't bought a guitar, though I really have been
meaning to.
Eh, yeah. so we went over to the Brandovi familys house for dinner
the other day, and played with their sons with dinosaurs, and took some
pictures, And we met this awesome family from Germany who are in the church up
there, it was great.
We didn't double our numbers, but we matched the best
numbers ever put out in Liberec in most key indicators, pretty sweet. So
basically, EVERYTHING has changed, but nothing has, thus is life. Elder Plaizier
says thats eternal progression, I say that sounds like bad song from the
I love you all, keep writing, thank you again, Happy birthday Troy, I
know it was Sunday, and your card is in the mail,
Much love from the other
side of the world!
- Elder Chezik
- Elder Chezik
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