Soooo this week has been very interesting, not too much happened on here, but I had about 5 people tell me how my mom was having a heart attack that she didn't write me last week and how sorry she was, SARCASM mother. I am very sarcastic.
AAAAnyways, missionary life is wonderful as always, this week is week 6, which in a normal mission would be the end of transfers, however, in the BEST mission in the world, we have 9 week transfers, so thats whats up.
Hmm, my czech is pretty good for how long I've been out, but blbost overall, I wish it was better. Everyone seems to be doing well I see, glad for that. So I might be buying a guitar. Mostly because they're super cheap here and also, we had a training about using your talents as finding ideas, and we live in a college city, so lots of progressive thinkers, so this week when we're contacting, we're gonna be sampling to see what the demand for guitar and piano lessons is. Elder Plaizier is an EXCELLENT pianist. So I might get a guitar. If so, please don't send me anything for Christmas or my birthday mom, shipping would be like 50 bucks, which is like a guitar price here, so I can just get myself something.
Hmmm, what else, thank you everyone who is emailing. Unfortunately, if you are emailing me and not family, I can't email you back but i can paperwrite you, and you can email me. So keep it up, and the letters on its way!
As for new things happening, there's not a ton. Our investigators are progressing well, though I'm not supposed to give too much detail on that.
Oh to answer your question about how people know us out here, at least in Liberec, not many people have even heard of us. Most people here are atheist and if they're not, 9 times out of ten they're non-practicing Catholic. We are one of the only Protestant churches here, and the ONLY one who has Christ's name in its, so usually we just sayy we're from the church of Jesus Christ and point to our tags. We get shot down alot, but generally we laugh it off because some people here are characters.
So everything is going well, I'm a missionary, just like I've always wanted, and I haven't got hit by a bus yet or found out I have a flesh eating bacteria or anything, so overall I'm doing wonderful.
-much love, Starší Čížek
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