Monday, October 15, 2012

Conference in the Czech Republic 10-15-12


So this week was great in the wonderful city of Ostrava! We watch conference here a week later so we just watched it yesterday, it was sooooo sweet! Elder Hollands talk was AWESOME! And mission age getting lowered?! WOOOOOOHOOOO! Get ready Union ward young men! Yeah buddy!
So yeah, we had alot of way cool stuff go on, but mostly just a ton of little miracles. One way cool thing about being a missionary isnt necessasarily seeing afew insane huge ridiculous miracles, alot of the time its getting to see little miracles and things you wouldnt normally take the time to see. For example, TIMING. Oh boy do i have a testimony of timing, Heavenly Father knows exactly where to be at literally the exact moment, and a matter of afew seconds over the course of a lifetime can determine someones destiny! So its way cool, when you get to see that when youre doing the right thing, using your time right, that everything seems to line up without problem, you make it just in time for your bus, or even, you MISS your bus, and meet someone awesome when youre walking because of it. Heavenly Father has timing down to a perfect system, and if we want to slow down and back up like president monson says, and look, we can see that thousands of tiny moments end up being a whole miracle. Its pretty cool. So time for missionaries is important, but for everyone else, its just as important, time isnt something you can save, it doesnt work like that, everybody has a certain amount of time, and we can only ever spend it, we have to spend it somehow, so why not GET SOMETHING for it? It wouldnt make any sense to go spend 10 thousand dollars on used diapers, would it? Then why would we spend ten thousand moments on doing nothing of value? Its really funny when we think of all the times we complain, even if only for 5 seconds, and add those al up to litteral hours, days or years of time we could spend in a better way, sleeping, reading, on vacation, or even spending that with the ones we love the most. Im not trying to get preachey or anything, but im just trying to say that this time is a time for us to prepare to meet god, it already has a purpose in how we spend it, but heavenly father lets us pick the way. So we need to take a step back, look, evaluate, and choose our next move, and i know that as we do that, we can see the miracles, we can make the good choices of how we use our time, and we can truly look back after, and be happy with the purchase we've made of how we\ve spent our time.
So be FRUGAL! USE IT WELL! I love you all and pray for all you

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